Phlebotomy Trainer
- Phlebotomy Trainer
- Phlebotomy Trainer Replaceable Cartridge
- Phlebotomy Trainer
Phlebotomy Trainer Main Features:
1) Re-Usability. Instead of replacing an entire injection filled Phlebotomy Trainer, simply replace the significantly less expensive cartridge.
2) Durability. Finding an artery is not always easy, especially for students who are inexperienced. The Phlebotomy Trainer will sustain the wear and tear of the many practice attempts required to become competent in one's accessing technique. Our self-sealing design allows for more access attempts per replacement cartridge. This lowers the frequency one needs to re-order, which will save you time and help your budget.
3) Anatomically Correct. When learning a procedure performed on a human, it is advantageous to practice on an identical trainer. Accordingly, our simulator's bones and radial artery are all in the correct anatomical position, and its soft tissue provides an extremely realistic texture and feel for accurate palpation.
4) Ultra-Sonography. Our soft tissue not only feels incredible, its patented design provides beautiful ultrasound image results as well.
5) Pulsation. The vascular access arm simulator can be purchased alone or with a programmable/adjustable pump. When attached to the pump, the simulator's pulse can be changed to simulate a patient with a faint or strong pulse. The pump's fluid return block can be adjusted to create the amount of flashback desired.
6) Customization. All soft tissue trainers can be customized to your unique training situation. For instance, if you need to train for a peripheral vascular intervention, we have the ability to put blockages in the blood vessels to simulate varying degrees of atherosclerosis.
After training with any of our soft tissue simulators (Femoral Access Leg Simulator & Pediatric Arm Trainer), students will emerge from the experience confident in their abilities and technique. This will result in better patient care and long fulfilling careers.