Sclerotherapy Training Tissue

Sclerotherapy Training 

A successful sclerotherapy treatment can improve the quality of life for a patient by reducing aching, swelling, and their veins' blue appearance throughout their skin, however, if done incorrectly the solution that clots the spider veins can leak into the surrounding tissues causing pain, as well as, bruising.  We have created a soft sclerotherapy training tissue that mimics spider-veins so medical personnel can practice sclerotherapy injections and master their technique.  This will not only allow future medical professionals to become more confident in their sclerotherapy abilities, but also provide a better experience for their first sclerotherapy patients.

Sclerotherapy Training Tissue Steps

sclerotherapy trainingsclerotherapy training

sclerotherapy trainingsclerotherapy training

Contact Us To Request Pricing Or Additional Information

Steve Homich
Cell:  (616) 901-0291