
Real Feel PractiSkin™
During development, we collaborated with physicians in order to create the most realistic synthetic suture skin possible. After testing it with numerous medical schools and making 10 revisions, we finally have a product line that will stand the test of time. Our goal is for every student who uses our product to be 100% confident in his or her ability when suturing a patient for the first time. If you are still using orange peels, pigs feet, cadavers, or unrealistic prosthetic skin, visit our PractiSkin™ page and find out which skin is best for you.
Incision and Drainage Cyst Trainer

Cyst Trainer
The incision and drainage cyst trainer is perfect for showing anyone how to properly incise, drain, and pack a cyst. It is also a great tool to show the proper dodging technique required when performing an incision. To learn more check out the cyst trainer page and watch the product video.
Intramuscular Injection Trainer

Intramuscular Injection Trainer
The intramuscular injection trainer series is self-sealing and can be drained of fluids easily. Accordingly, they will last through multiple training sessions without deteriorating. The smallest trainer of the series is perfect for individual practice and can withstand 3000 injections. The large trainers can hold a greater amount of water and withstand even more injections making them ideal for group training. To learn more go to the Injection Trainer Page and watch the product video.
Simulator Neck Replacement Products
Tracheotomy Replacement Part
In the picture to the right, the replacement sheaths to the right have velcro on each end so they can wrap around a simulator's neck with ease. These are perfect for tracheotomy training.
Cricothyrotomy Replacement Part
The skins to the left were designed to lay over the neck of a headless torso simulator. These are perfect for cricothyrotomy training. Both have the same high-quality texture and feel as the suture skin in the PractiSkin™ Series, and have an extremely low cost of experience compared to traditional simulator replacement parts.
Simulator Chest Replacement Products
The simulator chest replacement skin depicted to the right is a very cost-effective way to continue training with your high fidelity manikin simulator for multiple procedures such as a tube thoracostomy, thoracic catheter insertion, pleural, chest, and intercostal drain.
Ultrasound and Access Simulators
Main Features

Soft Tissue Task Trainers
1) Re-Usability. Instead of replacing an entire injection filled simulator, simply replace the significantly less expensive cartridge.
2) Durability. Finding an artery is not always easy, especially for students who are inexperienced. The vascular access simulators will sustain the wear and tear of the many practice attempts required to become competent in one's accessing and ultrasound technique. Our self-sealing design allows for more access attempts per replacement cartridge. This lowers the frequency one needs to re-order, which will save you time and help your budget.
3) Anatomically Correct. When learning a procedure performed on a human, it is advantageous to practice on an identical trainer.
4) Ultra-Sonography. Our soft tissue not only feels incredible, its patented design provides beautiful ultrasound image results as well.
5) Pulsation. The vascular access arm simulator can be purchased alone or with a programmable/adjustable pump. When attached to the pump, the simulator's pulse can be changed to simulate a patient with a faint or strong pulse. The pump's fluid return block can be adjusted to create the amount of flashback desired.
6) Customization. All soft tissue trainers can be customized to your unique training situation. For instance, if you need to train for a peripheral vascular intervention, we have the ability to put blockages in the blood vessels to simulate varying degrees of atherosclerosis.
Otoscope Trainer

Otoscope Trainer: Pediatric Ear Model
Manipulating a child's ear during an ear examination is challenging. Grays Bone and Joint Model's Otoscope Trainer is the perfect learning tool for individuals to master how to properly manipulate a patient's pinna to find the tympanic membrane. Aside from the head model, the trainer comes with two different colored ear canal cartridges (red and blue) to identify the canal and find the tympanic membrane. Additionally, we include wax material so users can also learn how to successfully remove a wax impaction. When designing this trainer, we kept two things in mind: simplicity and savings. Train effectively and save money with Grays Bone. Call for a quote today.